Those are the names of our daughters' two rabbits. Actually, they are rabbits, whom she surmises, were dumped in the canyon that borders her house in California.
One is white with a little brown spot or two on him. He lives in a bush in her front yard but comes to her back patio door for food. She's gotten close enough to touch his back as he was eating carrots she provided.
He wants to come into her house, and appears to have no fear as he approached her sleeping or inattentive cat and sniffed his tail. Just to clarify, the cat was also outside.
The mother cat is not so brave. Or hungry. She's not as punctual for feedings and is much more cautious in her approach.
Now to their unique names. In the canyon live coyotes. On some nights their call is distant; other times closer. They were quite close one night when they got to her next door neighbors' little yippie dog, who was silenced forever. Thus, Coyote Food. She says it helps her distance herself from getting too attached to the rabby as our youngest grandson used to called them.
Children's Book looks just like a beautiful rabbit, complete with white cotton ball tail, that might appear in a children's book.
Watership Down did not end well for the animals. Hopefully, they'll use their wits and wiles and stay awhile, and not live up to one of their names.
Posted by TQ at 7:56 AM 0 comments
Sunday, August 17, 2008
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