Author David McCullough needs to get busy. I've finished all his books. I did that one school year with Vonnegut.
I had a great Student Teacher. She needed little help from me. So I read. It helped that I also got to keep her for a whole year when Illinois put in some kind of a Mentor program. My students were even happier than I when she returned for another semester. So I didn't even have to rush to get through all his books. But when I finished, I didn't have the void that McCullough left.
I'm not sure what I'll read now besides my interest in religious commentators. Boice, Piper, and MacArthur are big. Currently I'm reading a book by John Ortberg, one our pastor gave me, and it's very good. I don't think I'll ever run out of religious authors to read. I'm also reading a book about Billy Graham and the Presidents, though I've been away from him long enough that my wife has already finished the book.
Tidbits by McCullough I miss, though. The picture in this entry, for instance. The author thinks digital clocks are a pejorative sign of modern society. They show only what's now. Not what was in the past. He claims that the last US President to be a student of history was Truman, and that concerns him. I'm not for certain what he means about the hands on a clock face, but I find myself agreeing. I'm also concerned that no other Prez in my lifetime has been a student of history. It may explain more things than I care to think about.
So if I find no other author to delve into, I'll have to rely on C. S. Lewis and the previously mentioned writers. When I run out of them, I'll just go to The Word. I can't go wrong there.
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