Washers is a great game that doesn't require the space needed for horseshoes. Also no one gets injured playing washers, pronounced "warshers" in some climes.
I'm still wearing a small scar on my right leg partly hidden by hair, partly hidden by age, but mostly hidden by the sun's effects. The cause, an errant horseshoe that deflected off the stake and onto my nearby leg. I should have moved quicker. So much for athleticism. And focus.
I wanted to order this game on EBay, butit carried a $55 price tag with shipping. Somehow, I figured I'm into the U of I for enough money having sent our son there sans scholarship for 4 years back in the 90's. Oh, it was worth it, even if their football and basketball teams those years were pretty miserable. Well, football anyway.
But it was always a place to go freeze your tail in the (irony of the entry) horseshoe at the football stadium. Or you could go to Assembly Hall and try to yell and be heard, but in that cavernous edifice at that time with subdued fan support and only average basketball, well, good luck.
But the loyalty of the alums is amazing. After four years of wind blowing cold weather, after four (or more--there were a lot of Super Seniors there) years of academics, where by the way most students were awarded their first C's or even D's ever, after all the hours spent competing, they still love the university.
Maybe $55 is not so bad. After all, it's worth the memories.
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