It's hot. A friend gives you a plastic baggie with some start up batter in it. For a few days it just sits there. Oh, maybe you have to shake it up a little. Then after another few days you add something to it. Then it gets all stirred up in a big bowl. It makes two loaves. And the remains make 4 more pouches that you share with friends or hoard for yourself and start the process all over again.
I know that sounds like a little kid telling someone how to make something. I didn't leave out much that I know, so I apologize for the nebulous description. What I left out was cinnamon and sugar, walnuts and raisins. At least that's how my wife made one loaf.
The point--it's delicious. And it stays fresh. Maybe it even gets more moist as the (few) days go by. We finished off our loaves this morning. I can't wait for the next batch.
If someone asks you if you'd like a start up for Amish bread, take it and make it. Or give me a call.
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