on the MTV High campus. No, not like the tree that drops sticky balls in the Fall. Those are Sweet Gums.
This tree was located in front of B Building. I don't know who started it. But when gum got stale, students took the opportunity to place it on the wide trunk of the tree. Multi-colored gum was on display. No pattern, just randomly stuck there.
I thought it pretty cool. For one, it's better than sticking it under desks. There's only one think worse to find under one's desk, but I won't go there.
Number two, it's better than chewing it in class. Unless, like one of my students who hid her pierced tongue from teachers and her parents, no one knows you're chewing gum. But most aren't that secretive. My faves, the gum poppers. Not just the bubble gum poppers, but the ones who somehow move their gum to their front teeth and proceed to pop it rat-a-tat like.
Number three, it's better than throwing it or spitting it on the ground. Stepping in gum, an almost 100% sure thing when attending a Little League baseball game in the 80's, is no fun. In fact, there's only one thing worse to step on. And have to clean up.
So as a teacher, I'd go by the gum tree and smile to myself. Creative. Useful, somewhat. It didn't hurt the tree. It was a tradition, for awhile.
I never added to the tree. But I wish I did.
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