Fifth grade. Chorus tryouts. In front of the whole class. I selected "A Bicycle Built for Two". I didn't perform it well.
Somehow I got by. But I've always thought I had a better singing voice than anyone else. Maybe that needs explanation. I've always thought I sang better than other people thought I sang. Including Geneva Elder, my fifth grade teacher.
Once a friend from high school and I thought we could sing. We sang "Blue Moon" in his basement to his guitar accompaniment. We even sang at a party one night. Note the emphasis on one. That's right, no one ever asked us again. All that practice for a one night stand.
Once, notice again the operative word I sang in the church choir on Baptists Men's Day. I had two chances: the Minister of Music and I stood right in back of our Lead Pastor. Neither offered me a invitation to join the regular choir.
Finally, again, notice the operative word, a friend of mine at BSF straight forwardly told me I had missed quite a few notes during our singing of a familiar hymn. Maybe the operative word was friend rather than finally.
I know that God wants to hear us make a joyful noise. But somehow that lessens the effect. Noise and singing are in direct opposition if done correctly.
Maybe I would do better if I went back to Miss Elder's class, to the bicycle song and "Daisy, Daisy give me your answer do". On second thought, I guess I just might not be that much better and have to announce, "I do not sing better than a fifth grader."
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