of a new day. Today marks my 1,000th post on On the QT. Wow. I didn't know I had so much to say. If you've been with me even part of the way, thanks so much. As The Righteous Bros sang, "You're my inspiration."
Two things. First of all I've been blessed to be able to travel so much. I still have lots more to see, Lord willing, but I never tire of going. Or returning home. Home is Arizona now, and Arizona does something definitely different than I have observed anywhere else. TV stations re-show their news. One, two, three hours later. Now I've seen the 10 o'clock news replayed at 2 AM for night shift workers. But I've never seen the 6 o'clock news shown again at 7, 8, 9 o'clock.
But when I catch the 7 AM news re-shown in mid-afternoon, I often think about what has transpired that day for me personally. For example, had I known the Rams were going to be down 40-0 at halftime, I might have stuck around the church a little longer, talking to friends and fellowshipping as we like to call it. I know, for Baptists fellowshipping usually, in fact, most always involves food. But not always.
I'm also reminded of friend Brad from MTV who used to ask me, "How'd you spend this day that you were given?" I'd tell him. He'd just nod, maybe make a positive comment. But he would never jump in and tell me what he had done, unless I asked.
So at the dawning of 1,ooo plus entries, I guess I'll continue. Until they become too much of a chore. Spend your day well. "Live, love, laugh," is a plaque above our son and daughter-in-law's fireplace. It's sometimes just that simple.
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