Al, an alias, seemed to me to be a good kid with a good family. At least a very supportive mother and little sis who attended all his baseball games. He was good, not great.
At the next level, his coach played him at an unfamiliar position---left field. He didn't play it well at all. Two balls were hit to him back to back in a big playoff game. He booted the first while he whiffed on the second as the ball rolled all the way to the fence. In the most embarrassing substitution I've ever seen, the coach pulled him from the game right then and there, sending in a sub who couldn't have done much worse.
I have longed observed that you can't hide a weak link. The ball or the conflict will find you. I'm afraid BO may have done that with Janet.
Who's Janet? Well, that's the way she campaigned with signs simply saying "Vote Janet." Populist? Yes, but that's our former guv turned newly to be announced Head of Homeland Security.
Lots in AZ are ready to help her pack. One writer in today's paper calls it "Az's bail out plan". We elevate our state with a Republican to take her place.
Meanwhile Al, ...errr Janet moves on. We used to refer to that as the Peter Principle, but anyhow. Head of Homeland Security. Now, that's scary. Her answer to the border problem and illegal immigration can best be summed up by one quote of hers. "If you build a 50 foot high wall, then someone will just come along with a 51 foot tall ladder."
Where's that coach? Someone else needs to be pulled from the game.
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