In case you missed it, and I'm sure everyone in the country except my wife did, I added new vocabulary to the English language yesterday. Or, I repeated unknown language.
Simple things are not always so simple. As we arrived from a stop at the hardware store and another stop at the grocery, I unlatched my seat belt. As usual, I let it fly across my chest/belly/neck. As it flew across my girth, shotgun like, the metal fastener hit my left elbow with a force that left me yelling.
The pain! It's one thing to hit your funny bone. But this was a shot. The force behind it, paired with a perfect on-target hit really smarted, as we used to say.
"Put some ice on it," my wife advised. Actually that's a prescribed cure for many things in our household. Hey, at least she didn't say, "Put a sock in it!" But being manly, I declined as I ate supper, watched the news and started the Suns' game. Over a period of forty minutes or so.
At minute forty-one, I was icing. Two hours later the pain subsided. I haven't looked at it this morning, but I imagine it's blue. I hope not. I'd hate to have to explain.
All the warnings about air bags, passenger air bags, side air bags, objects being closer than they appear. But not one warning about the slingshot or catapult created by the release of a seat belt. Beware!
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