Once I had to read a Kafka book for a grad class. It began, "Gregor Samsa awoke one morning to find himself transformed into a giant insect." And that was one of the better books I was forced to read in my education.
I think Paul Simon had it right when he penned "When I look back at all the crap I learned in high school, it's a wonder I can think at all." Change had to study and high school to college, and you have my sentiments.
My least favorites were the existentialists. Was there ever an unhappier lot? I didn't ask to be born, life is terrible, there is no God, thus I just exist unhappily and then I'll die. Wow! Now that makes good reading. Jean Paul Sarte even entitled his famous book (or maybe it was a play--I don't remember; change my grade) No Exit.
When there's so much good literature out there. And if it's not good, there's enough enjoyable literature, inspiring literature, biographies, histories, travel, adventure, sports, music, and volumes of good Christian literature. If you haven't been to a good Christian book store, you must go. You won't walk out of there without purchasing something.
"Too many books: too little time" is a saying I saw once on a librarian's tee shirt. It is so true. Just don't waste your time on Kafka and Sarte and don't think you have to finish any book if it's not appealing to you. But read; you'll be glad you did.
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