In many ways April 15 is Bean Day. At least Green Hills Country Club used to think so. Because every April 15th they would serve a bean dinner because they thought no one would have any money left after tax time to order anything else.
Other ways, too, illustrate how Bean Day is appropriate. The taxpayer has to use his "bean" to avoid paying all the taxes that the government wants to take from him. Now besides providing jobs for accountants, there is a purpose to our tax structure and shelters. In a lot of ways they are built in to provide an outlet that can be used instead of the general tax coffers. For instance, many states have bonds that are tax sheltered annuities to help local or state infrastructure. Without the bonds, well, I guess they'd just have to get a bailout. I go for bean over bail.
Beans have also been used as a synonym for money. That's what today's all about. "how many beanies is that gonna cost me?" Chances are today, quite a bit. I come from a long line of tax grumblers. I remember my father complaining,"what I have to pay in taxes is just what I need to get ahead."
Our next door neighbor was an older guy who my dad said "made his money before there was income tax." I know dad admired, yet was envious of Mr. Kuykendahl.
So just in honor of hard working people taxed beyond their comfort level, I'll have some beans today. I think we still have some left.
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