That's what one protester called it on his placard. The Obama economic spending plan. Finally, an outcry.
Of course, the media at NBC related affiliates and subsidiaries claim it as only those 5% affected by the proposed tax increase who were taking part in Tea Parties across the nation last week. TV footage indicated otherwise.
What I don't understand is the pork and earmarks. Well, and spending our way out of debt. Just where has that ever worked? Back to the earmarks. Scottsdale schools fired 250 teachers since the stimulus porkage, err.. package. You can't drive down one major highway or major access to the highways without construction barricades and cones blocking accessibility. Notice I didn't say construction workers because I've seen scant few in any locale around the valley actually working on the job. Or I should add job site because that's all I've seen now for a couple of weeks.
So it seems that streets are more important that students in this new admin. But come to think of it, if you're wanting autonomy maybe you don't want an educated populous. They might be able to discern a bow from bend. A denial from a bold face. Or even concrete and asphalt from a qualified, certified well-paid teacher. Go figure.
But, please keep up the protests. Everyone loves a good party.
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