wouldn't leave the grads looking like these Virginia Military Institute men.
They wouldn't have that opportunity. Because I wouldn't talk long. But if the Obamas can give commencement addresses, then maybe I could, too.
I'd try to follow the President's example and stay for the entire graduation ceremony and handing out the diplomas. All 9,000 of them at Arizona State in stifling heat. He really showed some class at that graduation.
To the graduating class of 2009:
Congratulations! You have achieved. You have shown that you can take on a task and complete that task.
Before you get to work, and by the way, you will find work take my advice. Just think. Don't allow the media to dictate. Don't allow current culture to either. You have a brain. Even if you bought into all the slanted truths and rewritten history at this university, it's time to put that in the past. You had to jump through hoops and you did. But that's over. Now it's your time. You've earned it.
The real world awaits. There's a lot of ways you can improve it and improve yourself. First, don't forget to take care of the spiritual you. Follow Jesus and His commands to love God with all your strength, all your mind, and all your soul. And love your neighbor as yourself. Do those two. You won't regret it.
Secondly, don't forget to take care of your mental being. Challenge yourself. Continue formal and informal education. Travel. Broaden your interests. Read. Everything you can get your hands on.
Finally, don't forget the physical side. You will age. With age all too often comes girth. Exercise. Drink plenty of water. Live for moderation in what you eat.
Ring that last bell. Throw that mortar board high. Today is your day.
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