You see, school let out today. At least for our grandkids. Report cards have been handed out. Sixth, third, and first graders, now. With a pre-pre-pre-schooler still at home.
So what do they do now? The boys are already playing baseball. When it doesn't rain, which is as rare as a good movie in their parts of Mid-America.
One boy and one girl are going to be taking an acting class or acting camp. While three may attend basketball camps. VBS, of course, will be attended, and for the older two a trip with the grandparents for a week in July.
But I hope they have time. To, you know, play cloud games. To linger. To choke out the last bit of summer fun. Have a family reunion to go to. They do. While those may be by design intended for the old, they're to be moaned about by the young. Until the volleyball game begins. Or a cousin brings a cute friend along.
To sit under a tree and read. To listen to a baseball game on the radio. I don't care if it's even Syrius. To go to some games. They will. To sleep until noon. They won't. To have friends spend the night and then stay up ridiculously late, then be crabby all the next day because of lack to sleep. They will.
To earn some money on their own. To help a neighbor, not for money. To waste a day completely. They will. To get organized and clean their rooms. There are lots of treasures that have been lost in the shuffle.
There's so much more to do in the Summer. And they better get it done. Now. Before some school board or some superior determines that school should be held year round. Oh, no. Don't let them do that. Start making signs, now.
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