But why does it take all kinds? It takes most kinds? Why not? Why must we embrace all?
Well, that has nothing to do with what I'm discoursing about today, but it makes me wonder. And what exactly is it?
Not a long walk at all, I passed it two or three times this morning on my daily walk. It's a beautiful golf setting complete with almost island green and fountain. I've always thought I'd like to sit under a tree, out of the way of a misguided golf shot and watch, take in, and read a book on a warm Summer day. But that's all I've done. Think about it.
Yesterday on another golf course I observed a fisherman on the neck of a lake. He had two women with him. They were watching and taking in under canopy covered lawn chairs. They were safe from errant shots, could observe the green, were covered from the sun, and probably laughed at my first putt. I don't know if they had books or not, but they were living the life.
When I espied the picture of the waves breaking over rocks in Maine, I thought to myself that I've never taken that opportunity either. That is, to sit unhurried by appointments or commitments and just take it the beauty of the scene. Maybe for just a short time while walking a sandy beach, but not really to experience the experience. No typo there, because it should be an experience. One that de-elevates our importance, our place in the universe.
But then again, if you've never had these ambitions, if you've never thought, "yeah, that might be kinda cool," then just remember--It takes most kinds.
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