Another Saturday night. But he didn't live to see it.
I know so little about him. We shared the same seat in junior high social studies. Different hours of course. But one time Good Old Mr. Roy called me by his name. I was puzzled; I didn't think we resembled each other. But I'm sure glad he didn't confuse us on the day he picked up David.
It seems my seat sharer irritated Mr. Roy so bad that he just picked up the seat with David in it and brought it up to his eyes, looked David square in the eye and told him to shut up. I must add that Mr. Roy never ever demonstrated any anger in other class I had him for, including Poly Sci in junior college.
But what else was David known for? Nothing. He was a veteran having served in Viet Nam. He never married. He never left his hometown. As far as I know he lived, grew up, grew old (sorta) and died in the same house.
I wonder what he did with his life. And all those Saturday nights. And was Mr. Roy to blame? As my youngest grandson would say, "Who could know?"
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