But. The Midwest keeps getting hammered with lousy weather.
When we were back in July for a brief trip and again in August, we mostly dodged the rain. Unlike other times when rain reared its wetness nearly every day.
But still. The heavy dew stayed on the long grass until mid-afternoon. I think if given a choice of rain or dew, the grass would opt for the latter. One mow per week would not cut it. Literally. Five days at the most before the lawn would be officially shaggy. An old friend of mine told me his rain gauge had measured 36 inches of rain from March to the first of August. My first thought was, "Man, Jerry, you have a big gauge." My second thought was "That's about 10 years of rain total for us."
In MTV, the City of Pole Barns, officials will tag people's yards with warnings if their grass exceeded the specified minimal height. The city is awfully good about things like that while turning its back on the really important things.
But no longer a denizen, I have no mowing worries. We almost never get rain. I doubt our fair city even has any tags for unkempy yards.
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