On the QT

Friday, October 01, 2010


So how do Time and Place co-exist? What puts one in a spot at the right moment to make something happen? Does Time depend on Place? Vice Versa?

On numerous occasions two people have been working on the same idea and the same time without any communication with the other. No knowledge that the other exists. Yet their ideas not only overlapped but were carbon copies.

Then at other times, ideas didn't come to fruition, didn't pan out, or were lacking one element that made all the difference.

A friend of mine told me that I began social networking that evolved into FaceBook. You see, somehow I got the idea for The Quote Board that was a staple in my classroom for over 20 years.

This is the way it worked. I would overhear a comment made by a student who wasn't aware of the ramifications of the power of language, the ambiguity of meaning, the levels or context of meaning. I would write it on the chalkboard (long before grease boards) with the quotation marks and with the student's name. It would stay on the board for 24 hours to allow others to see what was uttered in my classroom.

One of my student's kept track of every quote for the entire year. I wish I still had a copy. Some of the things that were said! And out of context were pretty funny. Other former students turned teachers have utilized the concept in their classrooms with similar success. One traffic controller in Nashville, Tennessee, who deals with calls from 10 other in-the-field workers recently told me he had incorporated the board himself.

And I was close to taking it to the next level. But I hit a snag when about ten years ago, I thought of a nationwide social network. I was going to call it BodyBook where people took pictures of their bodies and shared their lives with their friends... Time and Place.


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