On the QT

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Before I'd declare Einstein or Hawking super intelligent, I'd have to know one thing. Do/Did either or both believe in God and His only Son, Jesus Christ?

If not, then in my opinion, they're not very bright. If they can ignore a Master Designer of the universe and they believe something was just created out of nothing, then there's really no need to include them in the intelligencia hierarchy.

And that's all my blog entry today on the day after Einstein's birthday. There's no need to proceed. If I'm beating that dead horse of Creationism, I'm able to do that because it's my blog. If you don't agree with me, then ask yourself if you are willing to take that chance that God doesn't exist. While you're at it, if He does exist and He said He created everything, then why would you not believe Him?
Finally, if you deny God's omniscience and do not accept His Son Jesus as your Lord and Savior,then you have much more to beware of than The Ides of March.


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