On the QT

Sunday, May 22, 2011


I'm really tempted to blast the apocalyptic prediction from a California prophet (can you say oxymoron?) that did not take place on May 21 as predicted.

Harold Camping has never proven himself to be a modern day prophet. Isaiah, for instance, accurately predicted short term events, long range events, and the end of time events. He was proven correct on the two that have passed and I'm banking on his being 100% correct on the third.

Check it out. It's all in the Old Testament book of Isaiah, sometimes called the Fifth Gospel. Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John being the other four from the New Testament. Not only did he prophesy the name and events of Cyrus, 180 years before he was born, Isaiah gave astonishingly accurate details of the coming of Messiah and how He would be crucified 800 years later.

Camping's most famous prediction before yesterday's Judgment Day error was a similar prediction and error in 1994. Prophets don't make mistakes. False teachers do. Including the Mayans. They may have built great civilizations, but if the world does end in 2012 as their calendars predict, then it will be by coincidence and not prophesy. Matthew 24:36 should put an end to speculating the hour for the Rapture to occur.

But, you know what? If it caused people to focus, even ever so briefly on eternity, then I think it was worth it. It's far too easy to live in today's culture and not invest time for the future. And the worst case scenario for believers is fabulous; if the Rapture occurred yesterday, we would have gotten to see Jesus.


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