On the QT

Thursday, October 13, 2005


On Spring Break back when Scott and Courtney were young (estimated ages 14 and 8) we were playing miniature golf in St. Petersburg Beach one evening after dinner. A young couple was right behind us. I thought it was Cris Carpenter, St. Louis Cardinal relief pitcher in the 1980's -early 1990's before being selected by the Florida Marlins in the expansion draft.

I mentioned it to the kids, but I wasn't sure until he said to the golf ball, "Git into the hoole," short o sound. Then I knew by his southern drawl. ( He was also an outstanding punter for the University of Georgia). Courtney bravely asked him if he was Cris Carpenter.

He seemed proud that we recognized him and introduced us to his wife Jane. We chatted the rest of the way around, and he autographed the scorecard for us. He offered us tickets to the Cardinals' spring training game the next day, and said he would be pitching. Of course we went and since then a friendship was formed. We still exchange Christmas cards with pictures and letters and an occasional call, though I don't know right now where his number is.

Anyway(s) the Busch Stadium memory concerned Cris' last regular season game as a Cardinal. Courtney had asked him if she could have his Cardinal hat after the game, since he wouldn't need it anymore. After having accumulated bats, balls, every conceivable baseball card--all autograhed by Cris, Courtney wanted the piece de resistance. And sure enough, he headed to the railing by our first base seats and put his hat on Courtney's head. All the way home, it was turn-taking time for the three of us wanting to wear a real Cardinal hat. I think Caroline declined to put it on, at least not for long if she did.

The newspaper the next day showed the Cardinals celebrating a last game of the year victory. And the one Cardinal in the picture missing his hat was Cris Carpenter.


  • At 5:29 AM, Blogger SRQ said…

    Scott, not Courtney, was the one who first approached Carpenter at that mini golf course. Yeah, Cris and Courtney had their special relationship, but it all got off the ground because Scott asked, "Are you Cris Carpenter?"


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