On the QT

Sunday, November 13, 2005


The 1985 World Series loss. The Denkinger blown call. I do agree with Scott that Cuzzi this year stole a playoff game from the Cardinals for whatever pent up reason. I'm not just talking about throwing out Tony and Edmonds. His strike zone the whole game favored Backe. Backe of all people. He's simply not that good. But a generous strike zone can transform an average pitcher into an untouchable one.
So why do I bring this up now? Yesterday's ASU/UCLA football game on ABC. The Pac-10, in addition to calendar girls also has the best officials rule I've seen. (I know a previous blog hinted at this concept.) I told you I couldn't get over it. One official (Don May, Ray Bate, some two syllable guy) reviews plays in the booth with two tech guys to assist him. No officials on the field have any conversation with him except to report his ruling. Sometimes it takes awhile. But you know what? He got every one of them right. Some favored the Sun Devils and some the homefield Bruins. But he never missed a one. And some were very close, very controversial at the time.
Also I saw no player or coach contest one of the calls in an emotional game. It's a Pac-10 rule, so they're familiar with its use.
I say bring it on. And don't stop with football. It would have reversed everett's phantom tag, but not cuzzi's. After all it's not a perfect world.


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