Actually I never did put a lot of miles on a car.My current car has 22,000 miles on it,a 2004. My wife's car, a 2000, also has 22,000. As a new driver, I remember thinking I would never tire of driving. And it's really not me. What I don't like about driving is the other guy.
When I see someone needing to change lanes, all he has to do is signal and I'll let him in. I'm actually happy to help him. We've all been in the wrong lane when we needed to change, and if there's a signal indicating a desire, then I'll gladly oblige. Without the signal though, you're fortunate if I let you in. But in today's world, it seems the signal doesn't matter. Even if it could result in a wreck, most of the drivers I encounter will leave you out there on your own. "I didn't tell you to be in that lane--you chose it--stay there or get hit."
A friend of mine blames it on New York City. No one has a car there, and when they retire in AZ, they are just learning to drive. And being typical New Yorkers, they're jerks; thus, they won't help you out. In fact they thrive on how many they cut off in a day. That's my friend's philosophy. The problem with that is I don't know too many New Yorkers who retire here. Most I know go to Florida.
I do know that it's not a good idea to honk, gesture, or blink lights at drivers out West. Probably anywhere anymore. Last week another friend of mine honked at a BMW getting out of a parking space. The driver, shaved head and earringed, got out of his car. For some reason so did my friend though he chose (wisely) to stand behind the open car door. The BMW driver popped him in the mouth with his left. He got back into his car and drove away without saying a word. My buddy's a big guy, strong but not imposing. He got his license plate, called the police, has three witnesses lined up, but he's still not sure what he's going to do.
My advice to him was to press charges before this guy strikes (literally) again. It'll probably be awhile before he honks at somebody though. But if he does, I know he'll stay inside his car.
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