On holiday, a working vacation, a get-a-way, a much needed time to_______.
A break from motonony. To knock the cobwebs out of your mind. To spend some quality time with______.
The opportunity is there. R and R. The trip of a lifetime. To get in touch with your inner self. Down time.
Whatever's clever. Whatever you call it, it's what gets most of us through a rough patch. Or just the mundane.
For me, it was always Spring Break. I hated Winter in the Midwest. I hated cold, ice, snow, wind, bare trees, brown grass, gray skies. But I knew that Spring Break was coming. And that meant a trip to Florida or Arizona. Sun, cooling breezes, green foliage, and blue, blue skies.
Thanksgiving afforded that break for many, including my two overworked offspring. (Well, I can't call them children anymore, and kids seems too young for a 30+ and 25+.) They are both in the middle of new jobs, demanding yet rewarding, and they needed the break. Thanksgiving is that sort of holiday. Even if you're not in a garden spot (one is this year/one isn't, though the weather is pretty good in the Midwest now), a lazy holiday followed by a hectic day of shopping--they call it Black Friday for more than one reason--followed by another lazy day is just what the psyche ordered.
At least I hope so. So enjoy the time off. There'll be another long haul before Christmas. And Spring Break is really not all that far away. It just seems like it.
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