Besides being thankful for the pardoned turkey and the President, there are , as usual, many things I am thankful for this year. Rather than give a litaney of reasons, I'll share with you two that I heard Sunday at Logan St. Baptist Church in MTV last Sunday.
One from a personal testimony of Beth Lamont, a recovering cancer patient. A member of her Sunday School class was preparing a meal to take to her while she was undergoing treatment. She was talking about it to her mother. Her 7-year old overheard and decided he, too, wanted to help, although he didn't know Beth. He went to his piggy bank and removed $5 in quarters--all that he had and sent it to Beth with the meal. There he was giving all that he had to someone he didn't know, but knew she needed help. It really touched Beth and blessed me to hear her story.
Another came from Pastor Mike Steed from a hospitlized Patsy Sanders. Her husband Dick was diagnosed with inoperable cancer in 1989. After treatment, he had broken bones and was severely ill before the cancer went into remission. During that time, he was introduced to a young man who asked him if he prayed. "All the time," Dick answered. The young man then asked what he asked for when he prayed. Dick responded, "I don't ask God for anything. I thank Him. I thank Him for allowing me to live this long and to see my children grown and married, some with children of their own." Dick lived 6 more years while his cancer was in remission. No doubt, he thanked God every single day.
His widow has the same type of cancer that he had. I'm sure she can use our prayers. And I'm just as certain that she's thanking God this Thanksgiving.
Have a great Thanksgiving. And don't forget to give thanks.
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