For this season anyway(s). Finally, the Chicken Little of this season gets sent home. Mr. Malakor gets shown the door. Don't let it...
Happen again, Judges. A little more discernment early in the process will eliminate the possibly tragic. That a guy like that could have been The American Idol. As I said about the guy last season, the one they called Chicken Little, go to any high school Music or Drama Department and you will find more talent that those two had. But by encouraging, by enabling, the Judges almost allowed them to become something the weren't--stars.
They were both nice enough young men. But there are tons of nice young men who don't get that kind of unearned opportunity. I've known very talented professional musicians who have studied their craft, practiced months upon years and couldn't catch the break. They're still pros:they're just struggling. And to have these two find success, when they don't even have a craft, is, well, demeaning.
Sorry to sound so much like Simon. (He did have a glow about him when Sanjaya got voted off.) But I think there were lots and lots of us who breathed a sigh of relief.
But that's enough Idol for me this season. And if you sincerely liked the Chicken or the Mohawk Ponytail guy, then I apologize. But, hey, you shouldn't be up this late anyway, reading this blog.
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