Why I'm blogging on Saturday night and not watching a James Bond movie with my wife is simple: I couldn't stay awake. Now when I sacked out on Red October before the opening scene finished, that's understandable. I mean it was pretty slow. But going to sleep on Bond, actually about 4 times in the first hour, tells me what wrong with the hit tv series 24.
How in the world do those people stay up for that length of time? Granted there's never a dull moment, well a few, but overall, action/action/action. Character changes occur so cataclysmic that you forget at the start of the show Morris was crazy about Chloe, gave the terrorists the tech for dropping the bomb, got drunk, returned to CTU, was suspended, then was instrumental in helping one crisis, and then dissed Chloe. And all that in 22 hours without a nap.
24 is definitely one of those shows that I don't miss. But why does it all have to happen in one day? Maybe next year they should change it to 31 and have all that action take place in one month. That would be rushing it, but at least Jack Bauer would get to sleep.
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