On the QT

Tuesday, August 07, 2007


A great old hymn written by John Fawcett in 1782. The tie that binds our hearts in Christian love. Where before Our Father's throne, we pour our ardent prayers, sharing our mutual woes.

Our fears, our hopes, our aims, our comforts, our cares are the fellowship of kindred minds. And often for each other flows the sympathizing tear.

Oh, I know I butchered the lyrics, at least order-wise. Also, I left out some great clauses. But it's such a meaningful verse, that it doesn't matter if you change the order. We're told in scripture that three cords bound together as one are hard to break apart. And Christians joining together for worship, fellowship, praise, or battle are powerful.

Being bound together. Sharing. Hoping. Caring. Aiming. Offering prayers. Providing comfort. Sympathizing. And most importantly loving. Wow. We are really blessed or blest as in the original title. We are closely knit when we share in Adult Bible Fellowship, Small Group, or Bible Study. As long as God is our collective focus. I encourage you to get into the Word. It won't disappoint.


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