On the QT

Friday, July 27, 2007


was the punchline of a joke I heard about a returning soldier from Iraq. He was asked by Chelsea Clinton whom he feared now that he was back on American soil, and that was his answer. So what brings this to mind? And how did I connect that with the picture of the smirking guy reading a newspaper?
At the St. Louis airport on Wednesday, I spotted my first Obama tee shirt. I suspect I had the same smirk that the pictured man had. It stated in big letters Obama for a Change. Right, I thought. But certainly all change is not good.
If you thought,"Oh, he just doesn't like him because he's black." Wrong. Well, partially wrong. If you stopped at the 6th word, you'd be right. But I really like J. C. Watts, Lynn Swan, Condy Rice, Colin Powell, and Alan Keyes--all black, and all with much more experience that Barak Obama. Now, if giving speeches is all that a US President had to do, I might understand the attraction. Yet he still might be at the bottom of the list I provided, but he's still good at that. He turns a phrase as well as any. But what does he say? What has he done? What are his proposals? When you look closely, I think you'll see--there's not much substance there. I can't say,"Where's the beef," because he has plenty of beefs. Just no viable solutions. He tears down. He's not a uniter. Just the sort that the media love. Advertisers, too. Voters, I hope not.
My tee shirt might read Obama--Not hardly (sic). Or if I use Jessie Jackson syntax Obama--Not Now, Now Ever, Never.


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