Why are Q-tips not O-Tips? Where is the q? Sorry, I just don't see it? And why aren't they colored like those pictured? They could still perform the tasks they were set out to do.
Why is it a blue light special? Or what is so special about a blue light? Blue flame pizza, I understand; even once in a blue moon makes sense. But I never liked an all blue lit Christmas tree and don't understand a blue light special.
I also don't understand how my wife can refer to a point in golf. Today, on the second hole, she moved her tee shot from what should have been marked ground under repair. She informed me she wasn't adding a point for improving her lie. A point? I laughed, corrected her as husbands are required to do when their missus messes up on a golf course. She proceeded to beat me by 4 or 5 points when I lost my mind on the last two holes, one with the aid of some stupid wind chimes that happened to announce their presence right in the middle of a tricky golf shot over a lake.
It's been that kind of day: q-tips, blue lights and golf points. Also wind chimes have no place on a golf course.
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