Whenever I travel, my wife makes the reservations. I mean, if we want to do it right. As a travel agent, she does it right. Except for one area. Car rental.
I always ask, "Did you get us a convertible?" Her answer 100% of the time is simply, "No."
She is not one for fresh air. I used to think it was the wind messing up her hair. As a back seat occupant of a 1958 convertible (and I had a flat top) I understand. When she's with me, she doesn't want me to use the sun roof in my car. And I'm not sure that she even knows she has one in hers.
It's not a lot different in our house. We have plenty of screens, but they're rarely opened. Granted AZ dust seeps into the house even when it's been shut up for two weeks. But fresh air is fresh air, even when it's stale. Or something like that.
Even on the coldest of nights I like to sleep with the window cracked just a bit. Nope. No more. Forced air or no air are my choices.
Finally, it's not that CQ doesn't love the outdoors. She certainly does. But it has its place. No outdoors indoors. I suppose vice versa. One good thing, though. My hair never gets messed up in our cars or our house.
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