On the QT

Tuesday, August 14, 2007


I know. I've been gone. I've been deliquent in my duties of daily blogging. But I'm back from Minneappolis, Hurley, and Ironwood. Three states in three days. Ten hours of drivng. Another 6 1/2 in the Northwest skies.
When I returned Monday night to 112 degrees, I had started the morning at 44 degrees, a contrast to say the least. So while I didn't do all my traveling by car and my rental Malibu didn't much look like the Waverley pictured, there were highlights of my sojourn.
After an uneventful flight, and believe me, that is the kind I prefer, well there was this kid right behind my wife. He screeched in a high pitched scream that was sure to start a heaadache. I couldn't get too upset with him when I recalled the days that our youngest grandson would do the same. And for no apparent reason.
Our long walk through the airport in Minnesota added 30 minutes to our destination--Hurley, Wisconsin,, on the eastern border of Michigan and Ironwood in the UP or Upper Peninsula. We ate with the in-laws, Dave and Joann, well at least they were my in-laws, Joann being a sister to my wife. There I was re-introduced to 3-year old Charlie who called me Mr. Guy for some reason, and his sister Paige who called me nothing in understandable English. At one year of age, she was working on the art of conversation which came out converbabble, but her expressive cute eyes got her whatever she needed. Also a five year old dog named Maggie. She had been to obedient school, and I think, was probably puppy valedictorian. The only thing she did wrong all weekend was to walk through a sliding screen door that she thought was open and beckoning her.
We were also re-introduced to neice Gretta and her son Jude. Gretta ran a 4:19 marathon in her first attempt over hilly rugged terrain on an early, wet Saturday morning. Jude stayed with his grandfolks and played umbrellas with Charlie.
Saturday after the race, Dave and I played golf at Eagle Bluff Golf Course. We saw no eagles. Either in the sky or on the scorecard. But we did see some bears. As I was ready to tee off on number 12, I commented, "Well, there are my bears." About 100 yards in front of us was a mother with two cubs, David announced. Then a third cub, a straggler, came into view. They were really neat to see: much better than the alligators at Hilton Head.
Sunday morning found us at the only Baptist church in the immediate proximity, Havenwood Baptist Church. Approximately 20 were in attendance, counting the pastor and his wife and son. It was a very good service and a blessing to be there. A Sunday drive to Lake Superior where the kids and big kids waded and collected rocks looking for illusive aggates commenced. Followed by a huge picnic, enjoyed by all including Maggie, the dog.
Monday morning breakfast consisted of breakfast pizza made with 15 eggs, potatoes, and sausage. It's hard to go to the great North and not have sausage, and/or pasties. Saturday after the race, we dined on pasties--onions, potatoes, and beef stuffed into a pastry or bread dish, sorta like a pot pie without the goo. It was easier to eat, and very tastey as they say.
The drive back to the airport called for another stop at Culver's Restaurant. If you haven't eaten at Culver's, you should. And back to AZ to blog.
I've been blessed with great in-laws and their spouses as well. We may not agree on everything, but for the most part, you wouldn't know.


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