On the QT

Sunday, October 14, 2007


Although I've never been to one. I kinda like to play that category on Jeopardy. Oop, I take that back. I saw a high school friend of our son's, an opera major in college, in an opera at SIU. It was Othello. I know, Othello's a play, but this was the opera version and it was good.

I almost saw one in Russia. We saw a ballet at an opera house in St. Petersburg. It wasn't so good. Oh, I could appreciate the athleticism, the musical talent, even if I didn't know the language. The movement, the costumes were also good, but it was much too long and I couldn't follow the plot much.

In Grisham's new book, Playing for Pizza, he talks a lot about Italian opera and I got interested again. But I doubt that I'll go out and try to buy a ticket for any too soon. Unless someone tells me what the lady is doing in her aria wearing the ram or viking horns. That may appear in only one scene of La Bohemme, but I never said I was good in that Jeopardy category.
Later this month we're going to San Diego to see a play at The Old Globe Theatre. It starts at 8:00. Maybe that's why I don't care for opera. It starts too late for me. By 8:00 PM I'm winding down. That's jammy time. I can't even read at that late hour; heck, I fall asleep on commercials if I'm not careful. So to begin an opera that late, after a late dinner (defined: any time after 5:45) then my mind is in shut down mode. Plus, now I have to follow a plot in an unknown language. The Fox in St. Lou used to have a Sunday matinee. Maybe that's it--The Fox, afternoon opera. Now how could they show sub-titles?


  • At 6:53 AM, Blogger Pure BS said…

    I couldn't agree with you more on Opera. Is that the only reason you are going to San Diego? Go play Torrey Pines and skip the Fat Lady.


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