On the QT

Tuesday, November 27, 2007


That's what my pastor tells me I am. At least through my blogging. So I got to thinking, and here's what I came up with. A list of my favorites. Well, partial anyway(s). Certainly not in any order.

Regis Philbin co-host(ess): Joy Philbin

Heroes character: Hiro

Baseball player: Albert Pujols

Football player: Kurt Warner

Flintstone: Fred

Brady Bunch character: None

Lost character: Sawyer

Friday Night Light's character: the coach's wife and coach (tie)

Team on The Amazing Race 12: the ones that got 2nd last night--they're competitive and they got ripped off after a great dance

Basketball player: Steve Nash

Saturday Night Live cast member: Chevy Chase

Dancing with the Stars: Emmit Smith

American Idol: Chris Daughtery and Jordin Sparks (another tie)

Coffee: Starbucks French Roast--black

Fast food: Egg McMuffin

Fast food restaurant: In-N-Out

Kind of car: Lexus convertible

Cartoon: The Simpsons

Stooge: I'm tempted to say anyone brash enough to say he invented the internet.

Of the 3: Larry

Mayberry character: Floyd the barber

Charlie's angels: Cheryl Ladd

Three amigoes: Steve Martin

Three's Company character: Chrissy
Late Night host: Jay Leno
Saved by the Bell character: Lisa Turtle
Leave it to Beaver character in a minor role: Larry Mondello
Best golf movie: Caddyshack
Best baseball movie: Field of Dreams
Best football movie: Rudy
Best tv Western: Gunsmoke
Best James Bond movie: Goldfinger
Best James Bond: Sean Connery
Best 90210 character: Tori Spelling
That's it for now. And remember, I'm right about all those choices.


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