On the QT

Sunday, October 16, 2005


The warning track at Busch stadium can tell many stories. This is not one of them. This is sand. From Costa Rico. What does this have to do with anything?
Derek Harlan ran a 26.2 marathon in 3 hours and 42 minutes. When I was jogging at age 40, and some people told me they saw me walking (rather than jogging) I once ran what I estimated to be 11 miles. My time 1 hour and 58 minutes. On the beach in Florida. All John Mabry had to do was run 90 feet today. We looked similar in our athleticism. Except he hit the ball. It was a good two year run for the Cardinals. Till post season when they choked. I'd say good luck to the Astros, but I don't think they'll need it against the white socks. And don't get me started on wild cards and home field advantage and rewarding the best umpires with working the World Series.

One of my best Busch memories was when the Cardinals clinched the NL title in 1987 with the mets in town watchimg from some of the luxury boxes. We sat down below where backman and I believe hernandez were sitting. Fans were giving them crap and waving a tee shirt give away that night. It was before the homer hankies and rally towels, but it didn't preceed the steeler yellow towel. Anyway(s) Danny Cox put on quite a performance that night and it was fun.
All backman did was point to his World Series ring to taunt the Cardinal fans. It was a great clicher for the Cardinals and the only one I remember going to.


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