Harry Potter's big. Granted. Star Wars. Without a doubt. Lost. Well, at least to one blogger we know.
What about Lord of the Rings? The Partridge Family? The Brady Bunch?
Ok, maybe the last two were a stretch. But Saved by The Bell had a lot of prepubescent males salivating over Kelly Kopalski and Lisa Turtle. Maybe some even thought Jesse Spano was cool. In an earlier age it was Mary Tyler Moore (one episode in black , heck everything was in black and white back then, stretch pants) who they thought was outtasight.
The Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew were huge for the readers. But for me, it was John R. Tunis and his sports books such as Ballhawk. I also loved a series entitled Bertie Comes Through.
Bertie was a fat kid who always started off as team manager, but through a series of mishaps, move aways, or injuries, he was forced into the game where he became the star who saved the day. Those books were always predictable, but which youth audience wasn't?
I'll save 90201 and the Soaps for another day. Happy fantasizing.
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