...then the world turned completely upside down ...
I'm really not sure the exact date or time, but I'm certain the world has turned completely upside down. I think it happened overnight.
When I turned on the tv today after a morning of doing heavy retired type work: loading the washing mashine and dryer, taking out the trash, emptying the trash compactor which we have reduced to a catlog/paper shredder without shredding, cleaning the garage, I decided to take a break.
My tv comes on to KPHO, Channel 12 to Regis and Kelly. They are inviting people to send them their holiday cards with family pictures on them. Holiday cards? What happened to Christmas cards? When do people ever say, "I haven't shopped for or sent my holiday cards yet." And has anyone ever received a Kwanza or Jewish holiday card? And can't you celebrate Kwanza and Christmas?
I flip to some show where 4 ladies; scratch that--females-- talk. I think it's on ABC and I think Barbara Walters and Lisa Ling used to be on. Not today. Today viewers were stuck with Rosie O'Donnell who showed pictures of her daughter with an iguana on her head. "Thank gosh, she climbed down the tree without falling. Thank gosh, yeah, I almost slipped up." What? How can you thank gosh? And why would she not be thankful to God? Or can't she say that anymore on tv?
Enough of the talking head women shows. I flip to ESPN and see Micke Vick flipping off his hometown fans and cussing them in easy to lip read vulgarities. The reporters correctly show, with reverse angle, the crowd made up of many pre-teens nearby. Vick's comment," I'm anxious (sic) to go on and put this incident behind me." I would be,too. Couldn't we all say that when we commit errors of judgment? What a cop out from a publicist or agent. It reminds me of when Mark McGwire testified before Congress at the drug hearings and said," I'm not here to talk about the past."
Oh , my! Thank gosh we don't have some wild-eyed radical as Speaker of the House. We do? Oh, well. Now, where did I put my Holiday Card list of people to send to this Holiday Season?
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