At my BSF (Bible Study Fellowship) class on Monday night I saw a young man who was in my discussion group last year. Our conversation went like this, started by me.
"How you doin'?" I haven't seen you all year."
"I haven't seen you either, but I think about you everyday."
Whoa, I thought. We weren't that close.
"That cross you gave me from Israel. I placed it on my computer where I can see it everyday when I get on the treadmill or sit at the computer."
Wow! When I was in Israel in March, I purchased about 50 small crosses made of olive wood. I gave them to my Sunday School class and BSF discussion group. They cost me 33 cents each.
"I have it sitting on its side. It reminds me that I have to lift up the cross everyday."
Wow! (I'm even getting goosebumps as I type this.) "Oh man, that's great," is all I could offer.
He talked about others in our group and about one guy who always wears as a necklace the cross I bought. He talked about making his into a necklace with a leather strap.
I tried to dissuade him. "Yours is great just the way it is."
We had a great discussion and lecture and worship hymns and prayers as usual on Monday night. But the highlight of my evening was the conversation with Brian. Who about this time of day should now be lifting up that cross.
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