For me, a Davey Crockett. But I seem to remember using it more for a place to store crayons rather than sandwiches and snacks. It became most useful when the cardboard package containing crayons broke. We never put our baseball cards in there; they were reserved for cigar boxes. And where did we get those? I knew of no one's father who smoked cigars back then. There was one of our older neighbors who did, but everybody thought he stunk. But that's where baseball cards went when they weren't in our bicycle spokes.
For our son, it was an Emergency lunch box. Gage and DeSoto were his heroes, so his choice, as mine was easy. It wasn't his only lunch box, nor was Davey my only. These were the two most representative.
For Courtney, it was pink, perhaps My Little Pony. She had so many interests, it could have been anything. What I remember most about her school lunches was that her second grade lunch room supervisor wouldn't help her open her little can of peaches or pudding. So she brought it home sealed tightly. I mean what's a supervisor there for? Oh, well. She wasn't much kinder to our son who at age 10 couldn't hit this slider that a 12-year old Royal shouldn't have been throwing anyway(s). Funny what you remember about folks.
Peanuts, Barbies, St. Louis Cardinals, Star Wars, Under the Sea, etc. I'm sure there were many others. While I always preferred the metal, I know lots of those boxes became plastic in later years.
Of course what mattered most was it was not a crap-a-teria lunch, but one made by mom with love.
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