When I came across this logo, I thought "Cool. It's from a library, maybe a book store. It's about loving books, loving to read." Well, it should be, but it's not. Instead, it's about skateboarding.
Now while I'm not into bashing the boarders (they do enough of that to themselves), I think this logo better suited for readers. And since this is my blog, that's what I'm writing about. Since "Molly at the Zoo," my favorite Little Golden book, I've loved to read.
If I'm not currently reading something, generally a novel but not always, then I am extremely busy. If I'm not reading the Bible, then I'm in a Bible study or two and I'm in the Word vicariously. At least I'm focused on what the study is.
Currently, I'm studying from a book entitled Seeking Him about personal revival, the Psalms, and I just finished a John MacArthur study in Galatians. Also I'm finishing the last of the Left Behind series and David McCullough's 1776. I know I'm behind the times in the last two, but that's a little flaw in my reading habits. I don't like to hurry through a book. I may put it down for three, four, six days or more. But I nearly always finish what I start, except for a Michael Crichton book, State of Fear. I still intend to read it.
I don't count the newspapers, magazines, computer time including others' blogs and sports websites. That's kinda like not counting coffee as a part of breakfast.
If you're not reading, why not? It's never too late to start. And if you're just not a reader, then try to design a logo for those of us who are. Then we won't have to depend on the skateboarders.
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