Former movie star Audie Murphy is hardly ever mentioned without adding "the most decorated soldier in World War II". Quite an honor. Quite a soldier. I even liked him as a actor. Clean cut, good guy, good if not great movies. What else I liked about him was his attitude and his demeanor in his personal life. Also, I never heard him complain about his President or his country.
I have no idea, and I didn't Google to find out the most decorated soldier in Korea or Viet Nam. Afghanistan or Iraq. But I think it would be interesting. Also, I would like to see the most decorated female soldiers in each war. I know, Korea and Viet Nam were both "conflicts" and I don't know what Afghanistan and Iraq are. But it's a sign of our society when we know the MVP of Super Bowls and the World Series, but know few heroes' names from our country's wars.
At least when soldiers reurn from our current skirmishes (boy, I don't like that word) from our current wars, they get recognized and seemingly appreciation. Unfortunately that was not the case with returning Viet Nam vets. I've known more than one who was spat upon and hounded with jeers upon their return.
Decorated or not, to me they are heroic. There was a bumper sticker in the 80's stating "If you can read this, thank a teacher". I might add "if you can breathe freely, thank a vet." Even if the vet is not an Audie Murphy.
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