On the QT

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

I've just been hanging out lately. Too hot here to do much else. Yesterday there must have been a whole lot of gravity around me, because I kept tripping, slipping, stumbling, and bumbling around. My mood was in the tank, too. I don't know; I'm not usually that way.
Even when typing my blog entries, I hit the wrong keys or commands and had to start One Way over three times because of some type of computer urchin that erased what I had written.
My sports teams, even my Burrowing Owls fantasy team, have been playing uninspired and crummy. All except my Number 2 Diamondbacks, but they won at the expense of my Number one. So what're you going to do?
My golf game is frustrating, so much that I haven't even signed up for a cheap clinic on the short game at the course closest to me. After tomorrow's game at a place called The Wigwam, I just might.
I'm so far behind in my reading that I won't even make an effort to go to the bookstore for another McCullough book. Clothes shopping doesn't appeal to a wearer of tank tops, flip flops, and Docker shorts (when I'm dressed up) and gym shorts when I'm slumming.
My hedge trimmer's broken because I overcharged the battery. Mistakenly, I thought it needed 24 hours of charge rather than 3, so I fried it. Thus, bougainvilleas and other sticker bushes grow wild. My palms are too tall to trim the dead fronds that lie limpless and snuggle the trunks.
But, you know what? I feel better now. Just writing therapeutically about it has lifted the veil of funk. I think I can make it So what if the Cardinals don't win the World Series this year? They won it last year. As for the Rams, well they don't play until Sunday, so they can't lose for a few days. Even so, they won a Super Bowl in 2000.
Yup, life is good. Even when you're just hanging out.


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