I don't hold many records of any kind anywhere. Maybe one I hold is being around MTV's Mayor more than anyone else.
Mary Jane Chesley and I went to Field/Hall Grade School together from grades 1-6. Next, Casey Jr. High for grades 7-8. Followed by MTV High grades 9-12. Next MTV Junior College/Rend Lake College for two years. SIU-C for two more. We got our Master Degrees there, too, but that was over Summers and commuting during the school year, so I guess that's where we parted. No worries--we taught together at MTV High for 30 more years. Wow! And you know what? I never recall a disagreement or cross word spoken to the other. Isn't that something?
But one record I may hold is that as far as I know, I am the first and hopefully last teacher in the state ever shot while picketing on strike. A student unknown to me fired at another teacher and me while we were sitting on the curb of the sidewalk by the high school gym. His bullet from a high powered Chinese air rifle grazed my lower back stinging and causing some blood.
He was arrested and later spent some time in prison after firing a loaded rifle at a farmer riding on a tractor.
I guess that's what I get for taking a break from pounding the pavement with my picket sign. And if that's the only record I have, I really hope it goes unbroken.
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