In MTV in the day, there were two movie theatres. There were two drive-ins as well, but most of the time 5th-8th graders frequented either the Granada on North 9th or the Stadium on South 9th.
Movies were cheap back then; I think fifty-cents for 12 and under and maybe a buck for 13 and up. There were always those precocious kids who would have to take their parents to the window at the ticket booth to vouch for them. Marty Puckett was one I remember.
There were double features almost always except for long movies like Gone With the Wind. The first time I ever saw it with a group of 7th graders--I remember Jane Firebaugh was one--MTV had had its own big storm when we left the theatre.
Wednesday matinees in the Summer offered a season pass for one dollar. The venue was old movies like Ma and Pa Kettle and Francis the Talking Mule. Lots of Little Leaguers would go before their 5:30 game. On those Wednesdays, play was often hampered by boys whose stomachs were sloshing from too many sodas. Lemon/Lime was my favorite.
I might add some salt to the popcorn, I learned that from Jimmy Wood, or have a dill pickle. Mostly Nestle Crunches for me with an occasional purchase of Dots or Juju Beans or Bonomos White Taffy. All pleasing to my dentist.
The show was the thing back then. I think most adults chose to stay away on Saturday afternoons, for that time really was the childrens' hours.
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