Although not daily as On the QT attempts to be, I've begun another blog. It's entitled 1 WAY and may be accessed by typing http://tgqandclq.blogspot.com
Its genesis (pun intended) was spawned by my wife (the clq in the address) as an alternative to my Bible Study Fellowship which is on Summer hiatus. She knows I need to be in the Word and I have a tendency to let other things get in the way. Bible Study Fellowship didn't allow that. I had planned on re-reading the Bible in one year as I did two years ago. But I was going to do it in 90 days. And that's still an admirable activity.
But, as she knows, I need more than just reading the Word--I need to study it. And she knows how I love to write, so it just seemed a perfect fit.
Topics will vary. It will be different from On The QT, obviously. I hope you check it out. I pray it will open some eyes, edify, keep me focused, and bring glory to God.
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