Why do we as a society want to feel bad? What draws us to the depressing?
What makes our media want to tear down nearly everything that's American and embrace-- no, exalt almost everything that's not? Why are there so few feel good stories anymore?
What would it be like to walk into a bookstore or newstand and see pleasing, positive magazine cover pictures and books that taked about positive role models? Or great things to celebrate about our country? Or, now you know I've gone off the deep end, how about bragging on our President and the great things he does?
What about the beauty of our land? Do people tire of seeing God's creation whether in the mountains, beaches. or deserts? Even in the cities. Even in the faces of our people. We're diverse in climate and national origin, and let's celebrate that in the media. But do we have to deny Christmas for Hannukah? For Kwanzaa?
Why in the past have we celebrated Carnagie and Rockefeller for their philanthrophy but mostly ignore altruistic givers such as Joan Kroc and others today? By the way, where are the Norman Rockwells and artists like the Post cover pictured here?
We've hardened our hearts to our people and our country. We pick at the things that are good and focus on the negatives. We exaggerate the negative. We see mostly cloudy instead of partly sunny with little chance of rain.
I'm not talking Pollyanna. But I'm not advocating Dr. Strangelove either. One example: nationwide gas prices for the Summer of 2007 was 10 cents per gallon cheaper than the Summer of 2006. If you don't want to celebrate it, ok. But don't hide it or ignore it.
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