On the QT

Sunday, December 02, 2007


Transparency continued.

I saw this week that author Stephen King suggested that Jena Bush be tortured by means of the waterboard, so that the President would see that it was torture. Mark another off my list.

You see, there are lots of things I don't care to know or hear about. One is someone's politics or political stances on issues. That can also include one's personal hygiene habits, preferences that really don't relate to their crafts. But the media being the media and times being what they are, we're exposed. You read it right; we, the people are exposed to the seamy side of our cultural heroes. Whether it's who's in rehab, who's fighting it out over parental rights, or just plain who's fighting, we get to hear or see it all. ET and other shows, including late night shows give us that expose.

And for the most part, I really don't much like what I know about them. King is merely the latest. Before him was Elizabeth Taylor, Jane Fonda, Robert Redford, Barbra Streisand, and a bevy of others spouting their venom and their expertise about the US government. If it's not politics, it's their personal life including pictures of Britney and her walking barefoot into a roadside restroom, or her choice not to wear panties. We hear about Brad Pitt's body odor. We hear about the scientologists and whatever the heck Madonna is.

In addition, we hear garbage language that George Carlin couldn't say or Lenny Bruce was fined for. And I'm not talking about in their movies. They say it in interviews or casual conversation and expect the censors to bleep. They don't bleep enough for me, and when they do, I still can read their lips. Role models? Certainly. The kind you don't want to pattern after.

So what's the answer? Long time readers will know I don't have many. Consider the source is appropriate. Not watching is another choice. Feeling sorry for them is also a valid response. But mostly, I shake my head and pity them. Maybe I wouldn't have cared much for McQueen either, but I'll never know. And that's the way I like it.


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