On the QT

Thursday, January 10, 2008

You knew it, if you're a reader of my blogs. I'd have to write about politics. So if you don't care to share my views, then click on One Way, my other blog. It's not political today.
Mr. Obama has a catch slogan, "The time for change has come." Trouble is, the other day on the stump, he made a mis-statement and pronounced, "The time for come has change." And you probably never read or heard or certainly saw it on tv, now did you?
And that's my gripe. Goodness, anyone can make a mistake speaking in public. I have no problem with that. But why is it when Dan Quayle told a student at a grade school that she had misspelled potato when she hadn't, that that made national news? People still remember that today. They associate that and equate it with Mr. Quayle's intelligence. Even when the textbook he was handed, with answers, stated that potato had an e at the end of it.
My point: let's be fair. Want more examples? You got 'em.
Mr. Bush #43 gets criticized for his pronunciation of nuclear, which he calls nucular. But I never heard anyone except me and my five year old son at the time laugh at Mr. Carter for pronouncing it nukeyur (nu-key-ur).
Need more? What about Gore (I've had enough of all the misters) claiming to have invented the internet? And he's awarded a Nobel Peace Prize? And we're going to believe him about global warming? And he wins an Oscar? Well, maybe that makes more since, but it wasn't under the category of fiction.
One more, then I have to go. What about Clinton's famous line, "It depends on what the meaning of is is?" Ok, that got a little more play. But it deserved it. The meaning of is? That Zen-like stuff. Oh well, I'm just afraid the last two examples would have been hashed/rehashed/warmed over and reported numerous times if a Republican had made those kinds of gaffs.
Peter Petrelli for Prez? Naugh, but he is good on Heroes. And we definitely need a hero in the White House in 2009.


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