Don't get me wrong, or as my pastor Rob Wagner says, "Don't hear what I'm not saying,"
but Mighty Mouse was a great cartoon character. Second to Mickey? I'd say a tie. That's not to denigrate the Number 1 rodent in history; it's just that I really like the Mighty one, too.
I mean what other mouse ever fought a bigger animal? And if only Mickey could fly! And it really wasn't that often that Mick ever saved anybody. It was a daily act for the Mighty guy. As a young boy, that superhero was an attraction even before there was that word. In our day a hero was enough, and that's what the caped mouse was. "Here I Come to Save the Day," was his theme song. Plus, he was always true to his word. You can tell just by looking that he could take the more celebrated mouse in a skirmish.
I saw where this glass is selling for more than $150 on e-bay. I must have had one, though most of drinking glasses as a kid came from Welchs grape jelly. But if I could still find that glass, I part with it in a second for less than the going rate.
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