On the QT

Monday, September 17, 2007


On our recent cruise. Well, I didn't dine on it, but it was part of an excellent meal. And I was excited to see it as an offering. There were a few problems though.

It came with a lobster tail, so I forgot that ratatouille was what I was eating. Until afterwards. I knew it was tasty, but when I have lobster in front of me, I seem to lose all sense of focus and direction. I would have offered my wife a taste had I remembered, but on second thought, if it was on the same plate as lobster, then she would have declined since she's allergic to shell fish.

She may have declined anyway(s) since she, too, had the opportunity to order ratatouille sans lobster. She might have thought Remy was the cook. But she missed out, because like the food critic I highly endorsed it. Even if I didn't know what it was.

The reason I'm bringing up Ratatouille is because of last night's Emmys. I watched for as much as I could take. I mean besides a very few shows (Lost, but not regularly and one of the mini-series movies) I didn't see anything up for the awards that I ever even saw once. I knew Seacrest and one of the presenters--the coach on Friday Night Lights. I also know who Tony Parker's wife Eva is, but that's about it.

And, see I'm getting to it, the last movie in a theatre I saw was Ratatouille with the wife and grandkids. Well, the two older ones. One who turns 7 today--Happy B'Day, Grant.

So does that speak to how out of it I am? I saw on the internet today that even Al Gore won an emmy. What in the world for? (I just noticed, I wrote Al Gore and the internet in the same sentence). Maybe I just answered my own question, but was that a category?


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